Daylight and Sunlight Assessments

Daylight calculations assist developers and designers in maximising the use of natural light to enhance building energy performance and environment quality.

Local Authorities will be guided by the tests laid out in the Building Research Establishment (BRE) document ‘Site Layout Planning for Daylight and Sunlight’, A guide to good practice, Second Edition.

To meet these requirements Daylight calculations along with sunlight analysis should be carried out.

A BRE Daylight and Sunlight report will typically contain the following tests
  • Vertical Sky Component (VSC)
  • Daylight Distribution/No Sky Line
  • Average Daylight Factor (where BRE Appendix F criteria applies)
  • Annual Probable Sunlight Hours
  • Overshadowing to Gardens and Open Spaces

In addition to the above we will review and analyse the daylight calculations to:-

  • All habitable rooms in residential units to help with credits for Code for Sustainable Homes
  • Relevant rooms in non-domestic buildings to enable credits to be achieved under the HEA 01 Visual comfort credit in BREEAM

Get in touch or send an email if you would like to know more about Daylight Calculations and one of the team will respond within 24 hours.

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